
Resources for Those Struggling with Suicidal Thoughts, and those Who Love Them

Suicidal thoughts can be caused by many things, including a new or untreated mental health challenge, a change in medications, or sudden and/or significant stressors, such as being a victim of bullying or other abuse, the death of a loved one, medical challenges, or financial stress. It’s OK if you don’t know the cause of your suicidal thoughts. The important thing is to reach out for help when you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, even if you don’t believe these problems can be solved.

"Whoever Saves a Life, Saves a World"

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With your support, we can continue educating our communities and providing resources about mental illness and addiction through a Jewish lens. Right now, we are closer than ever to eradicating the shame and stigma that have stopped so many from talking about mental health and seeking help when they need it, but we still need your support.